Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Non-traditional Treatment of Cancer

Non-traditional Treatment of Cancer

The development of cancer usually takes many years. Therefore, full treatment also can take several months or years (one has to be patient). What is important is to reverse the process in order to stop and reverse cancerous growth. There are no silver bullets to accomplish this task. People have to do all things right in order to have the best chance of reversing the process. In the majority of cases (probably in 90-95%) total reversal of cancer is possible.

Here are major factors contributing to good health and cancer reversal:

  • try to live in a healthy macro-environment which means one with good air quality, water, soil, light, humidity, temperature range, local organic food supply, etc. Play a pro-active role in preserving a safe macro-environment for you and others living there.

  • try to live in a healthy micro-environment, one which you create at home and at your workplace. This means one with good air quality, water, light, humidity, temperature range, etc. Play a pro-active role in preserving a safe micro-environment for you and others living and working there.

  • try to find if there are any internal carcinogenic pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and other foreign substances. They should be eliminated using available safe and natural methods such as cleansing diets, herbs, etc. This will minimize the number of produced cancer cells and it will lower the burden on the immune system.

  • the diet should be low-entropy, organic, raw food-based and calorie-restricted. Acidity and pH balance should be monitored (with a pH meter or lacmus/litmus paper) since consumption of some foods can increase acidity (for example sugars) which promotes cancer and creates a toxic and cell-damaging environment.

  • chemicals should be eliminated from your home. Dishes could be washed with just warm water. Most of the things around the house can be cleaned with warm water, soap and vinegar. Chemicals should be eliminated also from your backyard and garden (such as pesticides, herbicides, etc.).

  • don't keep things totally sterile - small amounts of viruses and bacteria are vital to good health, since they keep your immune system "informed" about what is out there and they help to build better immunity. Bacteria and viruses are an integral part of the environment and the ecosystem and they play an essential role in evolution (exchange and modification of genes) and natural selection (testing of "new genetic designs" and elimination of genetic errors).

  • a proper amount of sleep in a comfortable bed with no metal parts (they change electromagnetic fields around the body) and in a well-ventilated, dark and quiet room.

  • avoidance of radiation from underground water and "Swiss Net" which are claimed to suppress or even block the immune system (some people claim it to be EMF at frequency 1420 MHz or wavelength 21 cm). Diviners (people who can find underground water with a divining rod) can find this radiation, since they are highly-sensitive bio-detectors of this low-level energy.

  • a person should lower the stress level and increase the level of happiness and satisfaction (stress produces a lot of harmful chemicals and free radicals).

  • a person should be involved in non-strenuous exercise such as walking, biking and swimming (strenuous exercise suppresses immune system probably due to free radicals and tissue damage).

  • a person should eliminate smoking, alcohol, an unhealthy environment (radiation from various sources such as cell phones, microwave ovens, cell antennas, X-rays, isotopes, chemicals, etc.). Even flying can be dangerous due to ionizing, cell-destroying cosmic radiation at high altitudes and pesticides often sprayed in the cabin to kill insects (sometimes during the flight).

  • various things such as special herbs, specific food supplements and massage (in particular one which involves the acupressure and adjustments of the chi-energy flow), relaxation and meditation techniques, music and sounds, etc. can be used to boost the immune system. Also a device such as BIO-EMI - Immune System Stimulator can be used to further improve the immune system (more info about this innovative product will be available soon).